Germinating seeds to start a garden can seem like an overwhelming task. Look at the back of most seed packets and you’ll find some really great information to help you be successful. One particular recommendation on them that stands out is “When to start inside”. Seeds need soil, sunlight, and water to germinate & grow so how can we mimic that indoors without making a huge mess? Grow lights can be expensive. What benefits do they give ... Read the Post...
5 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners
With the end of winter fast approaching, gardeners everywhere are already busy at work planning their spring gardens. If you aren’t a seasoned gardener, planting zones, soil amendments, decoding seed packets, and companion planting can all seem like a foreign language. Don’t loose hope! Here are my 5 best gardening tips for beginners! 1. Start Simple Learning something new is fun and exciting, but as a beginning gardener it can be ... Read the Post...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! For me, holidays are all about the food! I love to cook, to entertain, and to have a house full of family & friends to celebrate, and Thanksgiving checks every box. But even if you love to cook or entertain, Thanksgiving can be a lot of work! I have learned to make Thanksgiving as stress-free and fun for me as it is for my guests. Happy Fall Y'all My Thanksgiving planning actually starts at the ... Read the Post...
Saving Seeds
Gardening and home improvement projects saw a huge rise in popularity this year. Thanks to the pandemic quarantine, many people turned to these projects as a way to spend their new found time at home. With summer gardens now coming to an end, saving seeds may be the next step you’re looking for. We planted an extensive Victory Garden this spring. At its peak, I was growing over 50 different varieties of fruits and vegetables in our small ... Read the Post...