I hate wearing masks. Let’s be honest, we all do, but in these current times masks have become a necessity. Masks can help keep us well by limiting our exposure to airborne germs allowing us some freedom to shop, drop off orders for those who can’t get out, or volunteering in limited capacities, and an N95 Mask is best to keep our frontline workers safe.

Surgical Masks
Surgical masks are currently the standard. These lightweight masks are great barriers to help keep the germs away. Their rectangle shape is easy to sew, and their lightweight fabrics wash well. An army of home sewers have come to the rescue in recent days. Armed with sewing machines, fat quarters, and elastic, enthusiastic sewers have taken hold and filled a need around the world! All for free! Well done everyone!

N95 Masks
On the flip side we have the N95 mask. These masks give a higher rate of protection. Mostly reserved for healthcare workers, first responders, truck drivers, and others on the front lines, as they should be. Their repeated exposure to high doses of the COVID-19 virus definitely lends to the protection offered from an N95 mask.

California Emergency Kit Supplies
Our family personally owns both types of masks. Living in Southern California with our annual wildfires has made having N95’s in our emergency supply kits a necessity. We’ve been fortunate enough to be far away from the fire lines here. Wildfire smoke can cover a large distance quickly. Typically pushed on by the offshore winds, the smoke can travel for many miles. My youngest son, William, and I both have asthma. We keep N95’s on hand for times when we need them to go out during fire season. Last year we had a particularly harsh fire season in the area. N95’s sold out fast. So I bought some surgical masks to have just in case.
We did get our N95 masks out when this quarantine started. We self-quarantined almost 2 weeks before the state’s stay home orders so we haven’t used them much. The few times I have worn mine, has reminded me of how scratchy they are. I feel for our Font Line employees who are now wearing them all day. Since these masks were never made for long term use, comfort wasn’t really part of their design. It got me thinking, “What can I do to make this mask more comfortable?” I looked at several different home sewn mask designs online and nothing stuck out to me. I decided to start from scratch.
My Own Design
Using one of our other masks that has a similar shape to the N95’s I made my own template for a pattern. I realized I can use the filter “pocket” idea that some people have used for their masks, to design an N95 slipcover. I went to work and quickly sewed 7 covers for our family. They were quick, easy, and I used what I already had at home. I had purged a lot of my craft/sewing supplies when I moved 2 months ago. I had some leftover Star Wars fabric I used for our N95 masks. Since then, my friend Sue gave me some extra fabric she had to sew some more.

Using a thin cotton material works best for these covers. You don’t want to add too many layers to the already thick mask as it can make it difficult to breathe. The soft cotton covers do make the masks more comfortable, and you can toss them into the washer for cleaning.
I chose to remove the elastic straps from our N95 and sew them into our mask covers. This made it more comfortable and less bulky than having a flap to go around the existing elastic straps.
Sharing the Love
I’m sharing my pattern in the hopes that anyone who is wearing N95 masks as a necessity will get a little relief from the uncomfortable materials inside the mask face. We need you to stay safe and healthy.
When you wear an N95 with this cover, make sure the inside flap is pulled down. You don’t want it to bunch up inside on your face. You can add a small strip of Velcro under the flap to hold it in place if its a problem for you.
Feel free to modify my pattern to fit your needs, and share it with others who may need it, and from our family to you, THANK YOU for putting yourself at risk for all of us every day.