Give your neighbors a sweet Halloween treat!
We love leaving secret goodies for friends and neighbors. My kids have always had fun sneaking up to a door and leaving gift and treats to surprise an unexpecting friend. I’ve seen different versions of a Halloween one but this one is our favorite.

The idea is to Boo two of your neighbors. They in turn have 2 days to Boo two other neighbors, and so on. Very quickly, the Boo travels around the neighborhood secretly leaving goodies – getting the whole neighborhood in the Halloween spirit.

It’s easy to start a Boo. Just print 3 copies of the Boo letter , 3 copies of the Boo door hanger, and 3 copy of the directions.

Put together some Halloween goodies either on a plate or in a plastic pumpkin, or basket (Pinterest has some great ideas), and attach a copy of the Boo Letter to each one.

Prepare one door hanger for each one. I like to embellish the Boo door hanger with some Halloween paper and twine. Put a copy of the directions on the back of the Door Hanger.

The Door Hanger denotes which houses have been Boo’d so no one gets Boo’d twice, spreading the Halloween love around to everyone.
Lastly, place one of the copies of the Boo Letter, Door Hanger, and the Directions in an envelope or folder and leave it with the treats on your neighbors doorstep, along with the Door Hanger on the door.

Have fun spreading a little Halloween fun to your friends and neighbors! They’ll love a little Halloween Treat surprise! Happy Halloween!